Wednesday, April 24, 2013

When to Take or Consume Sabah Snake Grass 优遁草

When should cancer patients take Sabah Snake Grass?
Ans: Cancer patients can try to consume the SSG, preferably the fresh ones.  We have consulted a famous Chinese physician in Singapore.  She is Dr. Ong Swee Ling (王瑞玲中医博士). These are what she advised:

1). It is best to take SSG after chemotherapy and radiotherapy because the chemotherapy and radiotherapy are destroying the cancer cells, therefore it is not necessary to take SSG;

2). Cancer patients can consider taking SSG one month after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This is because the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy have not worn off. SSG may be able to prevent the cancer sells from growing again;

3). As SSG is cooling in nature, for those who experience purging, nausea, weakness and poor appetite, it is better not to take fresh SSG, but instead they can boil the SSG with galangal (高良姜and red dates (红枣), Galangal is a herb like ginger, it is warm in nature, so it can help to neutralize the cooling effects of SSG.  Galangal is also used in Chinese TCM as herbs. You may use ginger or yellow ginger which are as good.

4). Cancer patients can take SSG together with TCM herbs prescribed by qualified Chinese physicians.  Prescribed TCM herbs are good in balancing the “YING” and “YANG” of the body, so one need not worry that their body is too cooling or too heaty.

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