How to Cook Sabah Snake Grass?

How to Cook Sabah Snake Grass?

                Sabah Snake Grass 30 gm (rinse with water first),
            galanga 1 pc, red dates 24 pcs;

 Cook galanga and red dates for 30 minutes, then add sabah snake grass into the soup;

                        Cook for another 30 to 45 minutes;

           Pour out the soup and it is ready to drink.

Some information in the internet suggest that Sabah Snake Grass should be grind together with green apple into juice. But there are people who took raw sabah snake grass find that they may experience nausea after drinking a few times and they may dislike “raw” tastes.

So we have consulted few Chinese physicians and asked them if sabah snake grass can be taken after cooking. They said that almost 99% of the Chinese herbs are taken after cooking, e.g. 半枝莲, 白花蛇舌草, 蒲公英, 金银花, 菊花等. They feel that Sabah Snake Grass is basically cooling in nature and not suitable for those who have “weak stomach” and should be taken after cooking.  Many said that celery should also be taken raw, but the nutritional value of cooked celery is still good.  Most of the cancer patients might have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy, their constitution might be weaken somehow, so it is better to take the Sabah Snake Grass after cooking.  They said that the longer the SSG is cooked, the less cooling they are. Here is what they have recommended how to cook Sabah Snake Grass.    

This information is provided by;
Contact Raymond Tan HP: +65 97328490 (Singapore)

We also supply sabah snake grass worldwide, freight and postage depends on destination. 

For Singapore-- self collection only.  


You may watch the video at the following link:

Besides the above video, you can also watch these three videos where these people give testimony about how Sabah Snake Grass helped to reduce the size of the breast tumor and the kidney failure patient to recover from illness:

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