Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Testimonies from Cancer Patients after Taking Sabah Snake Grass

Testimonies from Cancer Patients after Taking Sabah Snake Grass优遁草

According to some reports in the internet Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) has begun to gain recognition as an effective cure for certain kind of cancer.  

In recent years, internet and newspapers in Malaysia reported that some cancer patients had shown great improvement after drinking SSG juice.  Some said tumors had disappeared after 2 to 3 weeks of consumption.  In some advance stage, it took about 4 weeks for the tumours to subside.

In 2008, one newspaper in Malaysia reported that a 56 year old, Mr. Liu Lian Hui was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphatic cancer.  Doctor told he has only 3 months to live.  He has somehow come to know about the SSG.  He tried his luck with SSG.

He said that after all he had no other choice, so he drank the SSG juice. He said he blended the SSG with green apple and drank the juice every morning after bread-fast.  Within a few days, some tumours disappeared and after weeks he was informed by his oncologist that he was 96% cured! Today, Mr. Liew is still alive. 

It was reported that a woman from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was suffering from breast and lung cancer, stage 4 cancer and had both breast removed.  She was very weak and was on drip as she could not eat. Her family member gave her SSG juice to drink.  After a number of days, she could eat.  She continued to drink SSG when she was discharged from hospital. After 28 days all tumours disappeared.

It was also mentioned in the website that a man who suffered 3rd stage of lung cancer, had three tumours in the lung and had gone through 6 times of chemotherapy.  After taken two weeks of SSG, his tumours had reduced in size, the smaller ones reduced to 30 to 45%, while the bigger one reduced to 12%.

For more details about SSG, you may watch the videos which are testimonies from cancer patients after taking Sabah Snake Grass 优遁草:

The following links are videos testimonies from cancer patients after taking Sabah Snake Grass:

This video is about a lady with breast cancer and said she has taken SSG  and some of her tumors disappeared.

This video is about a man telling a reporter that his son-in-law has cancer. He said that his son-in-law had taken SSG and has got better.

This video is about an elderly man with kidney problem became healthier after consuming SSG.


Our customers:
Mdm Chan J.S. said:
My mother was suffering from stage 4 nose cancer and got well by taking SSG. Now I am recommending my Auntie who is diagnosed having uterus cancer to take SSG.

Mr Wee C. H.said:
I am 78 yrs old, I have colon cancer (stage III). I have been consuming SSG everyday, I can still work every day (selling vegetables in the wet market).  Doctor said I am free of cancer now.

Mdm Chai:
I suffer from uterus cancer and have been taking SSG. My doctor said there is no sign of cancer cell now! I feel energetic and good. I am recommending my friend who has breast cancer to take SSG.

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