Saturday, June 22, 2013



Sabah Snake Grass and its miracle effects on cancer patients etc in this were taken from some articles reports on the websites and newspapers. Whilst the writer has given a  lot of information about sabah snake grass, she should not be held responsible for the actual efficacy of the sabah snake grass.
As sabah snake grass is not well documented, readers are advised to do more research on their own.
The writer is of the view that it is important that readers must consult qualified oncologist and Certified Chinese physician on cancer cases.

免责声明:在sabahsnakegrass88.blogspot.com里叙述的sabah snake grass ( 优遁草 )的功效
是笔者参考了网上与报章的报导。笔者尽量给读者更多的信息, 但她对其真实功效不予以承担责任。若对其真实功效有怀疑,读者当应自己进行深入的研究。

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