Saturday, June 22, 2013

What do Chinese Physicians say about Sabah Snake Grass?

As Sabah Snake Grass is not well documented, readers are advised to seek consultation with oncologist and Qualified Chinese Physicians.
The writer also has consulted several famous Chinese physicians whether a cancer patient who consumes SSG alone is able to get rid of malignant tumours in the body?

They said that besides consuming anti-cancer herbs, it is important to increase the function of the five main organs (namely: heart, liver, kidney, lung and spleen) in the body. It is also important to increase their immunity, haemoglobin level, look after their digestion, absorption function, constipation and emotion problem etc.

笔者也曾请教几位有名望的中医, 问他们是否患癌者单靠优遁草就能消除肿瘤。他们认为除了用抗癌药外,提高五脏内六腑的功能,免疫力,注意患者的消化吸收能力,造血功能,便秘,情绪的波动等都是至关重要。

As Sabah Snake Grass is not well documented, readers are advised to seek consultations with western oncologists and qualified Chinese Physicians. 



Sabah Snake Grass and its miracle effects on cancer patients etc in this were taken from some articles reports on the websites and newspapers. Whilst the writer has given a  lot of information about sabah snake grass, she should not be held responsible for the actual efficacy of the sabah snake grass.
As sabah snake grass is not well documented, readers are advised to do more research on their own.
The writer is of the view that it is important that readers must consult qualified oncologist and Certified Chinese physician on cancer cases.

免责声明:在sabahsnakegrass88.blogspot.com里叙述的sabah snake grass ( 优遁草 )的功效
是笔者参考了网上与报章的报导。笔者尽量给读者更多的信息, 但她对其真实功效不予以承担责任。若对其真实功效有怀疑,读者当应自己进行深入的研究。

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sabah Snake Grass

Sabah Snake Grass

SSG is not well documented. Most of it is by word of mouth. Some people say that after consuming SSG, the tumor disappeared or the size of tumor reduced.

According to some reports in the website, sabah snake grass is very cooling, for those who consume bigger quantity such as 300 leaves (consume raw leaves juice with green apple), consecutively for one month or over a long period of time, may experience restless legs, weak knees, back pain, insomnia and coughing.

While there are suggestions that 30 leaves are enough. However sabah  snake grass is not well documented, but there was a craze recently over SSG as it was reported that it has anti-cancer properties. So reader's discretion is advised.

Someone in the website said that using JUICER is less bitter than blending it.

How many SSG leaves is required ?
There were also suggestions that 200 SSG  leaves together with one green apple and half a lemon can make into 3/4 glass of juice.
There are also people people who suggest 50 to 60 leaves double-boiled with red dates for four hours and drink the the juice.

I would not recommend that SSG be the only therapy. Modem science and medical assistance must also be sought as well.

Patients under going chemo which include steroid should stop taking SSG?
What is the rational behind this recommendations?
 I guess this is because taking SSG with chemo may clash with one another. However, there are suggestions that whatever a person eat, it should be absorbed into our body after 3 to 4 hours. There are exceptional cases where the absorption of medicine takes longer.  But these medicine are not common ( correct me if I am wrong).

There was one patient who has tumor near the brain.  According to the wife, the husband has been taking SSG for over a year and the tumor slowly reducing. Her husband found that there was no more symptoms of pulling on the head and nerve pain was minimal, he could sleep better compared to a year ago.

On November 2012
A lady said SSG was effective in reducing the severity of her diabetes.

Mar 2, 2013
There is a 53 year old male who underwent 6 surgeries. A friend introduced SSG and he took  for sometime and believed that it had helped to cure him. But he said that it would not have worked without surgery. After 18 months since his last surgery, he could go weight lifting. He hoped that his exercise would help his cancer away. He used to live in nightmare and pain.

Someone also said in his experience, the tumor is slowing disappearing and without pain. It is slowing disappearing without pain. He advised people do not follow others as everyone is different. He said if one is too old,too weak and under treatment, take SSG on irregular basis. And as SSG was cooling in nature, it is better to boil them---- you may read about this kidney patient, the wife boiled the SSG with red dates and told reporter that he has grown fatter and healthier after taking the SSG.

A man also said he had cancer ( did not tell what kind of cancer). He said he has taken 10,000 pcs of SSG leaves over a period of six months, never blend with anything, just chewing SSG leaves together with stem after meal every day.

There was one old lady, who had a relapse of her cancer the second time. The son said she had stomach cancer. She went for surgery two times.  She was 87 years old when she had a second relapse, two years after the first surgery.
The son said that he regretted allowing her to go for a second surgery as she was too old to go through the surgery. The son said the family was told that the mother had only three months to live. The mother was bed-ridden after the second surgery. She was in pain almost every day.   As such she needs to take muffin every day to ease her pain.  But strangely, after taking 60 leaves boiled with ginger and red dates several times, her pain was gone. She did not need to take the muffin.  However, as her condition was bad, the cancer has spread to many organs. Eventually, she died after three months..

For those who are cured by SSG whether with surgery, chemo and radiotherapy, should come forward to share with us.

Keep up the good spirit and stay positive.

A woman from USA suggested that:
1) take cooked asparagus that is organically grown. It can be steamed then puree.   Don't stir fry them, steam them.
2) drink  lemon grass tea daily.
3) watercress with pitted dates and plain water- cook in a crock pot for hours- drink twice a week.